I wish that I could catch a firefly in a jar, look at it up close and see how it glows, and then release it. I have never seen one before. Anyone live near fireflies? Can I come visit?
I wish the stars really were as peaceful as they seem.
I wish I could float past the planets and weave through Saturn's rings.
I wish tobogganing down Everest was a thrilling possibility.
I wish the dishes would wash and dry themselves.
I wish my brain could wrap around the inner workings of a telephone. I think that email and phones were invented in the wrong order. Text is nice, but to be able to hear a loved one's voice over a phone line or better yet, through satellite...how does that work?!?!
I wish I could grow gills so I could swim with the creatures of the sea. I wonder what it would feel like to be a jellyfish? I bet it feels so free and fluid and graceful.
I wish I had the courage to travel solo.
I wish trees could scream out loud when someone approaches with an axe...maybe we would find other materials to build our houses with that didn't hurt the forests. I truly am a tree hugger at heart.
I wish my eyes could actually see the flowers growing. What do they sound like as they burst out of bud?
I wish I could remember being in the womb...being under the age of one...being three again, wearing pajamas with the feet in them...being young enough to believe that when you blow on dandelion seeds, your wishes really do come true.
What do you wish?