Saturday, May 21, 2011

One Beautiful Thing ~ eighteen

You've gotta wonder....
If these bicycles could talk, what stories would they carry underneath their battered old tire rims? Who's feet cranked the pedals and turned the spokes? Who's hands gripped the handlebars and steered them towards their various destinies? Were their owners good to them? Were they the adventurous type? How many miles were explored? To me, they seem to be the velveteen rabbits of the wheeled variety...loved vigorously into their golden years.


  1. I love this pictures!beautiful again....

  2. "velveteen rabbits of the wheeled variety"
    That is just too perfect!
    Gorgeous pics and work.

  3. You've captured this bicycle so beautifully sweet Jaime! Oh the stories I bet it could tell!
    xo Catherine

  4. All of those questions you asked would be exactly what I would be wondering too. Love the tricycle in the second shot. Took some practice food shots yesterday. They are o.k. but its a lot to figure out. Took your advice and got the 50mm 1.8!!!!! Going to try it out today. My husband says...enough!! But, he is so tech-y that I can tell he is soooo intrigued.

  5. I love that description...but, for me...."velveteen rabbits of the wheeled variety"... conjures up ideas in my head for bunnies.... of velvet..... with wheels...hmmmm..... maybe................I could try one of those soon......

  6. These are beautiful pictures and your words perfect.

  7. These would be so great framed up. love them so much

  8. These images are beautiful, I love the way you've captured them. Oh if they could talk . . . .

  9. There is nothing like a bike. And these are magnificent.
