This little being enchanted every warm and fuzzy particle of my heart all week.
My mom got her the soft fluffy rug and I got her the little knit hat...and for weeks I have been waiting to combine all these elements into a photo session with my niece Sarai.
But this was no easy task! I needed a team of loving and patient kin to make this happen. Trying to keep her on the rug, with the hat on was immensely temporary. Every time we put her down, she would start crawling toward the camera at speeds I hadn't seen her obtain before (I think it's because she is happiest and most free in her birthday suit). And it looked so funny through the lens... these bright happy blue eyes getting bigger and bigger in my frame as she smiled and reached for my camera...I couldn't stop laughing, which made my eyes water and everything was a crazy high paced blur...which made it all the funnier!
But I did capture her. I caught a few tiny precious precious moments before she pulled her hat off by the strings for the hundredth time, before she scrambled off in another direction, squealing with mischievious delight.
The next time I see her she will be walking. She will be a whole other new little being, with new mannerisms and funny little ways about her to adore and absorb into memory. And as sure as stars twinkle, I will be watching her through my lens, trying to capture a part of her that will never grow up...that will stay contained in that little photograph... to help me remember what she was like at that transient age, when she tugged at another of my many heart strings inscribed with her name.