Sunday, January 8, 2012

White Out

I think I am detoxing. I am coloured out.

I love the clean slate feel of January. As wonderful as the holiday season is, when it is over, I am ready for it to be over. Funny.... that happens at the end of each season, too. So here I am, beginning again ... resurfacing after a long blogging slumber. Hoping to be more present with you this year. But I am not going to make it a resolution. Because, you know what happens to most resolutions.

No, I am thinking in terms of intention. To find more beauty... to share it with you ... to get more of that goosebumpy feeling when I see the beauty that you create in whatever form it is that stirs your soul.

I wasn't around a whole lot last year. I think I found it all too overwhelming. I found myself feeling very guilty much of the time because I wasn't keeping up with the goings on in the blogging world. It's a busy place, this beautiful universe we have all created with our art, and words, and pictures. And I am so happy that I found a little place within it. But, I'd like to try a different approach... little bite size pieces at a time, and less marathoning when it comes to trying to keep up with my favourite blogs. Do you know what I mean?

And yes... I also intend to take breaks when I need them. Long ones if I need them. I think I am getting better at honouring my own needs without judging myself for them. Makes me a happier being.

I am actually smiling right now. :)


  1. Beautiful! Beautiful! As artists we must honor the right to live first or there can be no art. Live, notice and share. And thanks so much for sharing.

  2. i see your images and i just lose myself in them. these are breathtaking, serene, quiet. perfect.

    and yes to less marathoning. this place should not feel like a job - i am allowing myself longer breaks between blog posts, also a new year approach (i like that so much better than resolution!). as nicole says, we need to live. breathe.


  3. Hi Jamie! As usual, you express yourself so perfectly and beautifully. After having closed the door to my first year blogging, I see that so many bloggers feel that they must keep up with some sort of schedule or group expectation. I wonder why that happens to us because I am right there with you and can certainly relate. So many of my hours of the day are spent teaching, organizing, grading, and balancing that fragile role of mother and teacher, I must absolutely escape into blogging to preserve my sanity. Your photos are so exquisite and artistic that whenever you post or whatever words you share, they will be appreciated and will put soft smiles on all those who read. It's funny how each person relates to the blogging world. My daughter only follows blogs of authors. She is mystified at my interests! Wherever you escape to find beauty and solace in this world is honoring your world and your need for peace. Happy happy 2012 to you!

  4. I really like the softness of all images!
    And really looking forward to more posts from yuo, Jamie :)

  5. The bubbles! The bubbles!

    (I am doing the same. I find it difficult to sit at my computer chair for very long - it's not the most comfortable of beasts - so I have to pick and choose what I can do in any one session.)

    I love when you are here. I love when you are away. That sounds silly .. but it's not that I love when you are gone, it's that I picture you happily enjoying your life and the beauty around you, and I am excited to see what will appear when you are ready to return.


  6. beautiful and evocative images as always.

    I love it when I see something new from you appear in my blog stream - however often that is.

    Like Elizabeth I picture you out playing in the world when you are not here... I imagine that the quiet here means more fun 'out there'


  7. Gorgeous images Jaime, I feel as though I could lose myself in them. I think we all need to take a break every now and then. Ultimately you have to do what's right for you but it's great to see you back here. x

  8. i loved this monotone breath of fresh air.....SO MUCH !

  9. So much to admire around us; a lovely post!! On to the January white sale.

  10. These photos are so lovely and soft, Jaime ... very serene with their absence of colour.

    I'm still a "marathoner" when it comes to keeping up with blogs. Last year was a tough one (thanks for your good wishes!) and things continue pretty much the same right now. It's so hard to keep up with it all and there are days when I'm much too hard on myself for trying to do it all then failing miserably. Perhaps I'll try your approach. :)

    Looking forward to seeing more of the beauty you find through your lens!


    p.s. - hubby bought me a 7D for Christmas ... I *love* it!!!! :)

  11. Such soft..beautiful..evocative imagery. And - a wonderful new intention. Be gentle with your whatever feels right. Bits and pieces sounds like a good space in which to begin.

  12. It's all about balance and doing what feels right. Blogging is something very hard to keep up with...I can only handle so much as well. I come here because your words and photos are true and beautiful. xoxo

  13. i totally relate to everything you said. I love the seasons for every little bit of them but then I am ready for the next when the time comes.
    as far as blogging... i am the worst. and the guilt gets to me. i want to keep up but i'm just bad at it all.
    Your images, and your beautifully written post, always make me sigh. like a breath of fresh air.

    that pussy willow is simply amazing!

  14. Lucy Maude Montgomery coined the phrase (at least I think she did) "kindred spirits" to describe people/friends who were like-minded to herself. You are definitely a kindred spirit to me. I do have to tell you though the photo of the seashell is almost identical to one (of two) I have sitting on my bathroom windowsill. Your photos are always so though-provoking and breathtakingly beautiful.

  15. Oh, Jaime. How could I not have commented yet? I have been here and reveled in this loveliness so many times. I love you, friend. I miss you.
