It's almost as though it is trying to capture all the light it can before the day fades away into night. I can imagine, it slowly closes its petals and wraps itself around those collected sun rays, huddling into a tight bud to keep warm. Until the sun rises again.
While most living beings seek out and thrive in the light, I think there is much to be said for the darkness too...
Candlelight would lose its warmth if it wasn't swaddled by the night's heavy arms.
There would be no wishing on the afterglow of falling stars and no tracing satellites as they glide across the sky. The ooh's and ahh's of meteor showers would be silenced. Aurora Borealis would shy away, feeling as though her true colours were unnoticed.
The man in the moon would be lonely indeed.
Ghost stories around a campfire would lose their fright. And trick or treating would not be the same on a sunny summer evening. The spooky atmosphere, with moonlit bare branches and flying broomstick sightings would be lost. Jack O Lanterns would have no personality and would turn into mere carved pumpkins that even Cinderella would disapprove of.
I am no vampire, no nightcrawler, no nocturnal creature of the night...but I celebrate the darkness, for it has its mysterious charms.