Sunday, April 7, 2013

Letterbox Love xo

I didn't just want a photo of this lovely letterbox, all crooked and covered with lichen... what I really wanted to do was pry its rusty post out of the ground, take it home and replant it so I could open it daily and find sweet little surprises inside.

I imagine one day I would unhinge the creaky door and find fresh baked cookies from my neighbour. Or perhaps a feather and a smooth round stone from a fellow beach wanderer. Another day, I might find a jar of honeycomb from the beekeeper down the lane.

And best of all, I would open my little letterbox to find thoughtful little notes and hand written letters from my friends all over the globe. Oh, that would make my heart twirl.

There's nothing quite like a hand written letter, is there?

Would anyone like to be pen~friends? I may not have this box, but I do have a mailbox that is somewhat allergic to bills and craves the taste of pretty coloured envelopes and things.

Let me know... It would bring me such happiness to send you a little paper love.


  1. let's do it !!!
    {do i already have your information? for some reason i think i might....but I'm too lazy to get up right now and look for it....LOL}

  2. Ooooh I love this . . . I'll be your penpal. :0)

  3. I would love to send you a card! Let me know your address and I will pop one off to you. Letter writing is a lost art isn't it?
    xo Catherine

  4. Um, YES!!

    I think I had your address once, but I will need it again.

    I have just the smooth stone to start things off.


  5. I would love to send something to you in the post. Email me your address too!


  6. YES !!! Let's do it! I love sending random and unexpected mail. My latest addiction is recycling unused Christmas cards in the spirit of fun & whimsy. Why can't I say fa la la la la all year round, I say. :)

  7. You know... I've been aching for a pen pal for years. Years.

    See: ?

    Oh, let's. I would be so much better with stationary than I am with email. I promise...

  8. yes, yes, yes! i am never on time, i forget to buy stamps, and well, you know how i am. if that's acceptable, yes. a letter from me will always be a surprise in your box. you will laugh that i remembered!


  9. hello. did you get something in the post from me?
