I sat on the rocks next to that cobalt chair for over a half an hour. The entire time, a seagull stood on his own little piece of rock behind me. He did not move. He observed me, I observed him...but he stayed as long as I stayed.
I finally got up, gathered my things and passed him as I wandered back to the beach. He still didn't move.
I paused and turned to look at him once more, this still creature, and slowly moved toward him to take a picture while a stream of sunlight seemed to pass right through him.
I'd like to think we had an understanding, him and I. For a brief time, we were one in the same. I wasn't human, he wasn't bird... we were two living beings sharing an ordinary moment in time that didn't seem quite so ordinary. While the world kept hurtling through space, while the waves swelled and receded from the shore, while the airplanes and satellites and comets tore holes through the sky, while all the people and birds and ants busily carried on with their many important tasks, we shared a space of stillness.
He stayed until I was gone.
And he continues to stay within me.