I passed by a rather large tree stump yesterday. Surrounding it were sweet little snowdrops, like a ring of faeries, holding hands, quietly encouraging the poor tree to deepen its roots and gather the courage to grow again.
But maybe it isn't like that at all. Maybe those pearly white blossoms are happy that the tree is gone....relieved even. Maybe they decided to take root around that lonely stump because without the shady cover of towering leaves and branches, they have a much better view of the sun?
They do bloom in January, after all. They need all the warmth they can absorb.
But personally, I would like to encourage that tree to grow. If only the sunshine that tickles the winter blooms was enough to bring a beautiful oak tree back into its magnificence.
Just like me to root for the underdog.
If the story was a little different...if the tree was flourishing and the snowdrops at its feet were wilting due to lack of sunshine, I might be singing a different tune.