I'm struggling with what to write in this blog. How much of myself do I put out into this technological abyss? Will anyone read it? Will anyone find it remotely interesting? Who am I really talking to? And how deep do I want to go? I guess I will find my own way as I continue...just keep taking one step at a time, I suppose. I thought I might start with a list of a few abstract things about me. An ice breaker so to speak:
1. If I could have any job, I would love to be a children's book illustrator. (too bad I can't draw a stick man to save my life!)
2. I am a quiet person who craves solitude something fierce. Don't get me wrong...one of the things I value most in life are the deep connections I cultivate with my family and small circle of friends.
3. I've done a loop and a barrel roll in a small airplane. ( I was not the pilot, thank god)
4. I love living in small cozy spaces...and colour on the walls is a definite must.
5. I share my little space with a fuzzy little litter- trained lop bunny named Taro. (a taro root looks sort of like a baked potato...with his colourings, he looks a bit like a baked potato)
6. I absolutely love to poke my macro lens into familiar spaces, only to fall into jaw-dropping wonderment at the new world presented to my eyes. It's really like being a child again.
7. When I was little, I bit my tongue so hard, I had to get stitches...so glad I don't remember that particular trauma.
8. My favourite movie is Amelie. I secretly wish I could be a french woman. But I also love the unique and beautiful way it was filmed.
9. Eight years ago, I packed up my life and moved to Victoria, not knowing a soul in this city. Within one month I felt more at home here than I ever did in my home town.
10. Call me strange, but I much prefer rainy foggy stormy days to sunny ones.
~behold the turtle.
He only makes progress when he sticks his neck out.
~James Bryant Conant